THE 100: Eliza Taylor on Season 5’s reboot, mama bears and mishaps! [VIDEO]

When apocalyptic drama The 100 returns to our screens next week, except a very different Clarke, and Octavia, and Abby…and well pretty much anyone else who survived the show’s 6 year time-jump. According to Eliza Taylor, who plays Clarke on the CW show, we are going to be pretty surprised with what emerges from the bunker and falls from the skies. Clarke has had a pretty cushy time of it, playing mum to nightblood Madi in their own aptly named Eden while the rest of the world reeled from the death wave, but that’s all about to change. Taylor had plenty more to tease about the new season as well as her time spent building a school in Thailand and … doing pantomime in Weymouth?! Plus she recalls lost characters, including Clexa of course! Check out our panel at Dallas Fan Expo below:
Season 5 of The 100 will premiere on April 24th on the CW in the USA and consist of 13 episodes. It is expected to air shortly after on E4 in the U.K.
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