ARROW SEASON 6: David Ramsey Interview! [VIDEO]

“I will be Spartan… and I will be somebody else,” teases David Ramsey, aka Diggle, about Arrow season six in an interview that’s absolutely tease-packed. He also hints about philosophical differences that lead to a split in the core team, a role reversal with Oliver, some new digs for Diggle and a new look for Wild Dog, as well as how Black Siren’s presence might affect the dynamic. He also hopes that the new later time slot in the States means we might be hearing a few more broken bones, and seeing some more sex. Oh, and there’s the usual John Barrowman anecdote. There’s always a good John Barrowman anecdote in an Arrow interview! Check out the video below:
Season 6 of Arrow will premiere on the CW network in the U.S. on Thursday October 12th at 9PM, in a change to it’s regular slot of Wednesdays at 8PM. It is expected to air shortly after in the U.K. on Sky1.
Catch Blue Bloods on Sky Atlantic in the U.K. and CBS in the U.S.
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