CLASS: Cast interview with Vivian Oparah, Greg Austin and Sophie Hopkins! [VIDEO]

With Doctor Who a hot topic on social media recently, the cast of spin-off Class came in to tell us their thoughts on the new direction of the long-running show, as well as discuss their roles in the monster-filled teen drama that makes even the worst state school look like a holiday resort compared to Coal Hill Academy! The trio weren’t afraid to dish some dirt on co-star Fady Elsayed as well as share a few of their own secrets in our quickfire round, and tease some ideas about the second series’ direction, renewal allowing.
Whether the show returns or not, it’s certainly worth a watch for all Whovians, or plain old monster lovers. It will be a real shame if we never get to find out what the weeping angels have in store for ‘The Arrival’ – but nothing ever dies in sci-fi, right?
Class Series 1 is currently available on DVD. A renewal decision on series two is still to be announced.
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