Walker Stalker Con Dallas: My Highlights

Having barely caught my breath from WSC London I boarded another plane – destination Dallas. From my observation watching Dallas Con videos, Texan fans are particularly animated so I was curious to see for myself, with fellow Fanisma fangirl Ari (@larojitalove), how rowdy the crowd would be in the Kay Bailey Hutchison convention centre.
The Con floor was filled with an array of zombie -related activities, funko pops, nerdy clothing and of course food. Not to mention quite an array of stars from the art world and shows like Gotham, Hannibal, Dr Who, Breaking Bad, Z nation, The Vampire Diaries and of course The Walking Dead.
The fans did not disappoint with 1000s attending, offering great panel questions, showcasing some fantastic cosplay and generating a warm excited atmosphere.
For me each Con is different, with small personal moments determining the overall weekend. I was there primarily to moderate panels and got to take a look behind the scenes too. So here are a few of my highlights:
- Asking IronE Singleton about his new album ‘Hiphopcrisy’ he explained he raps as his characters on screen. For example, one track is as T-dog from TWD wrapping about killing zombies! There is no release date for the album yet, but it sounds unique!
- After introducing myself to Corey Brill (Pete Anderson on TWD) I was shocked when he spoke to me in Gujurati! Just a few words but still, impressive!
- Watching the actors and fans alike pull out some crazy amazing moves to kick off the Con in ‘Fear the Charades’ game.
#WSDallas Epic dance off with @SonequaMG @KenricJG ! pic.twitter.com/J1q5uB3j0V
— tanavip (@tanavip) March 5, 2016
- Discovering Adam Minarovich (Carol’s husband Ed on TWD) and I share many of the same fears – clowns, snakes and dolls. Though we differ on our feelings about flying (I love it, Adam not so much)
- Jordan Woods-Robinson (Eric on TWD) giving me a lesson in the correct use of Twitter ( the ‘full stop first’ rule)
- Aaron Abrams (Brian Zeller on Hannibal) was kind enough to record a message for my BFF in New Zealand. Her exact reaction was 😱😍👍
- Scott Thompson (Jimmy Price on Hannibal) giving me tips on visiting Toronto- and later talking about his ‘Canadahole’
- Steven Yeun (Glenn on TWD) starting to leave then coming back just to let me say hi and take a pic!
- Hearing fans squeal with delight as we presented them with their photo ops – pure fangirl joy!
- Finally meeting the wonderful Erin Richards (Barbara on Gotham) and finding she knows the tiny town where I grew up – small world!
- Playing Jose Pablo Cantillo’s new card game ‘Free Me’ then Jose (Martinez on TWD) softening the blow of me losing by sharing the punishment- taking a ‘stink face’ photo and keeping it as my profile pic on Twitter for a week! Go to freemethegame.com if you wanna play!
- Spending time with the sign language crew at the Con, sharing some mutual appreciation and trying to figure out why truly tiny kids watch TWD?!
- Adding another tick on the bucket list by moderating Con panels with co-hosts Dave Solo and Nick Floyd. For me this was the major highlight and reason I went out there – totally worth the 11 hour flight!
- Getting an education in American food and drinks like vanilla-flavoured root beer, and introducing Jaffa Cakes to the team (it was a Marmite situation).
- Hearing the musical talents of Jordan Woods-Robinson and Katelyn Nacon entertain the crowds – their voices are beautiful!
#WSDallas @jwoodsrobinson @RossMarquand panel pic.twitter.com/Ebw9wqeGrL
— tanavip (@tanavip) March 5, 2016
Wow #WSDallas #twd #TWDFamily pic.twitter.com/kWbom2MCyF
— ☛Arilene Colato☜ (@larojitalove) March 5, 2016
- Chatting to Lawrence Gilliard Jr (Bob on TWD) about his acting career. His first regular TV role was in short lived series The Beast with Patrick Swayze who passed away after one season. He is due to start shooting new HBO show Deuce in NY in May.
- Talking to Chad Coleman about his shell necklace
- Meeting Ian Somerhalder and him doing this –
He is just amazing thanks for everything @iansomerhalder a kiss for you girls #tvd pic.twitter.com/DJgO9bPhKR
— ☛Arilene Colato☜ (@larojitalove) March 5, 2016
- Having THE best view of the Vampire Diaries panel with Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley 🙂
- Seeing Michael Cudlitz’s (Abraham on TWD) signing table covered in Bisquick and watching him and Josh make food-related innuendos on the Abraham’s Army panel. Judging by the howls of laughter this pair would do well with their own reality show. “It’s just what we do all day on set” Josh explained when I commended him on a thoroughly entertaining panel.
- And of course spending time with fellow staff and volunteers without whom there would be no show. Special thanks to Dave and Michael, and Adam, Vanessa, Nick, Steve, Liz, Merri, Nat and Cindi.
- Lastly: the panels. There were so many great hilarious moments on every panel, and with 10 or so panels in total it’s hard to pick between them.
Check out my Twitter @tanavip for live tweets with video clips and photos from panels including The Vampire Diaries, Gotham bad guys, TWD-S1 originals, Hannibal, TWD- The Andersons, TWD – Ross Marquand and Jordan Woods Robinson, TWD Abrahams Army and more! Also check the WSC official Twitter @WalkrStalkrCon – but here’s a few of my photos from WSC Dallas to enjoy!
Additional photos courtesy of @larojitalove and @WalkrStalkrCon
The team will be back at WSC Denver on April 2nd-3rd
The next Heroes and Villains FanFest is July 2nd-3rd in NY/NJ
The Walking Dead airs on Mondays on FOX in the UK and Sundays on AMC in the US
Gotham airs on Mondays on Channel 5 in the UK and Tuesdays on FOX in the US
The Vampire Diaries airs Fridays on CW channel in the US, and will reuturn to ITV2 in the UK late Spring/ early Summer.
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