April Fools Haven Style – The ‘Alternate’ Troubles

Nathan Wuornos – Door Troubles
Nathan has real difficulty opening doors. At the end of season 3 he gets locked out of the Barn (though perhaps he could have tried pulling, not pushing). In season 4 things get serious again as Audrey’s life is in danger when the other-worldly door won’t open for him – luckily Jennifer is on hand to help them out. In 4×05 Audrey has to use her lock-picking talent to get them out of a storage room – a skill he could do with learning! Maybe it’s linked to his neuropathy somehow. Even though it’s not his fault, it’s enough to give a man a complex! And it was funny to see his affliction spilling into real life, when Lucas struggles to open a jail cell in the S4 gag reel. But, as we see in 1×05 and 4×04, Nathan has found his own solution – if you can’t open it, kick it down!
Dwight Hendrickson – A Cleaning Compulsion
Poor Dwight could do with some CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to help him leave behind his former career. It seems you can make a Chief out of a cleaner, but you can’t take the cleaner out of the Chief. At work he carries his cleaning products with him in his car, and in a brief glimpse of him off-duty in 4×09 what do we see him doing? Yep – putting out the rubbish. I bet his place is pristine! Not that it’s a bad thing – he puts his skills to good use in 4×03 looking for blood, with even Nathan cracking up as Dwight admits “Once a cleaner, always a cleaner”.
Audrey Parker – What’s In A Name?
In a great little side-story in episode 1×08, we are introduced to Audrey’s flaw with hilarious effect. She calls Stan ‘Stu’ and then ‘Steve’, even after Nathan corrects her, and she refers to a forensic photographer as Tony when he’s actually named Eddie. There is a serious point to be made by highlighting this – she has no friends, except Nathan, leading to a beautiful bonding moment between our detective duo, but I really enjoyed the sweet and funny interlude. Later, as Lexie, she expresses difficulty pronouncing Wuornos (I don’t blame her) and starts using nicknames like Cheekbones, perhaps as a light reference to her earlier self – or perhaps just to bug him! Let’s see if Mara inherits the same affliction.
Duke – Bad Taste in Women
This is something that Eric Balfour came to realise early on, explaining it to fans at NYCC in 2011, as seen here from 3.15:
He probably thought Jennifer was a step up in comparison but she didn’t last long either sadly. It seems a risky business dating Duke – most of his lovers end up deceased. Maybe he should hold off dating for a while. Awww!
Jordan – An Aversion To Colour
Why does Jordan always wear black? Is it to make her look more sinister? Is she Goth, or a big fan of Catwoman? There’s no denying she looks fantastic but those leathers must get hot in the summer sun, especially with gloves. One thing’s for sure: Jordan’s colourful personality certainly makes up for the lack in her wardrobe. Here’s hoping we get to see her again.
Video – Alternate Troubles in “The New Girl”
Pruedens, on YouTube, has managed to capture our favourite Havenites brilliantly here:
What nuances have you noticed in our favourite cast? Any other 5 for 5 ideas? Let me know! We return to Haven in the Fall and I’m SOOOO ready!
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