5 for 5 – Five Characters We’d Like To See Return to Haven

@tanavip Safe to say there will be revisiting in our future. About what or whom specifically… Spoilers!
— Brian Millikin (@bmillikin) February 26, 2014
Haven Twittersation
This sparked some twittersation, with fans making their suggestions, leading to another response from Mr Millikin.
@iday2j @krnbiren @tanavip Can’t tell you that, but I can tell you that James is definitely not forgotten by us. — Brian Millikin (@bmillikin) February 26, 2014
Oh Brian you do like to tease, but thank you so much for replying to the fans.
This got me thinking, who would we like to see back in S5? Based on fan and cast suggestions, here’s 5 for 5: (WARNING spoilers if you’re not up to date with S4).
The hunt for The Colorado Kid dominated season 3. With the appearance of James (played by Steve Lund) in the penultimate episode followed by his disappearance in the Barn, viewers were left with more questions than answers heading into S4. Where on Earth is James? Is he dead? Last season barely mentioned Nathan and Audrey/ Sarah’s son, so as an integral mystery in Haven we need him to come back and explain himself!
Kate Kelton’s character is definitely a fan favourite. On announcement of the show’s renewal many urged the writers to bring her back:
ICYMI: Fans of @katekelton tweet about how much they’d like her to return to #Haven now it’s been renewed. http://t.co/Uw1Ln2vARP
— Kathryn Mackenzie (@kalaumac) January 29, 2014
I do know the writers have had an idea for such a prospect though it would play out in an AU scenario. Some want to see Dwight and Jordan together. I personally love the tension she brings to each scene. Good to know that if a role for her is created, Kate certainly seems up for it.
Garland Wuornos’s life ended tragically at the end of S1, but thankfully he has been brought back twice so far in eps 2×12 and 3×09. And I think there’s scope for more. As someone who could give us many answers about Haven, the Troubles and Nathan, it’s not surprising the Chief (played by Nicholas Campbell) makes the list. Plus he gets Lucas Bryant’s vote. Perhaps he will return if fans finally get a flashback episode in S5.
We were treated to Gloria’s quick witted openly alcoholic scene-stealing doctor this season and Jayne Eastwood’s character soon developed a following (check out @shitgloriasaid on twitter if you haven’t seen it). But Haven has a history of quirky MEs.
Eleanor Carr was the first we saw, and as another strong female character she is Emily Rose’s choice to recur, but as is the fate of most of Haven’s women she didn’t survive long. Dr Lucassi brought a creepy undercurrent to the job, and as we know he ran off with his neighbour’s cat. He has the potential to pop up again unexpectedly. And of course who can forget Dr Nathan Hansen in ‘the Trouble with the Troubles’?
Season 4 left us with Audrey replaced by Mara and I for one am scared yet excited to see how/when/if she comes back. The cast and creators have certainly shown interest in exploring Audrey’s other personalities, especially Lucy, so we have to wait and see – roll on Season 5!
Colin Ferguson, who plays William, has his own ideas:
@bmillikin @WebJana @spokar William comes back, opens a flower and tea emporium and settles down in Haven. #JustBrainstorming
— Colin Ferguson (@colinferg) February 26, 2014
Who would YOU like to see #ReturnToHaven in Season Five?
Haven 5 for 5 – Ideas?
If you have an idea for the Haven 5 for 5 series, tweet me @Tanavip and let me know!
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