The Men of Haven – So Different, Yet So Much Alike!

The Men of Haven – Commonalities
Although they often don’t get on with each other, they do seem to have a lot in common. In addition to being super hot (seriously, how does Audrey get any work done??) here’s a list of some of their shared characteristics.
The Loss of a Child
They’ve all “lost” a child. Nathan lost James in the Barn, Dwight’s daughter Lizzie died after being shot by the Guard, and Duke’s daughter, Jean (from Haven 1×05 “Ball and Chain”) had to be sent far, far away to keep him from harm.
A Troubling Advantage
They all have Troubles/abilities that infer a fighting advantage. Duke turned super-strong on touching troubled blood (though time will tell if this remains the case), Dwight trained in the Army, and Nathan’s numbness means he can really take a licking!
I’m just waiting now for the writers to put this to good use in a big group brawl.
Haven Lawmen – Official, and Not So Much
They all work for Haven PD in some respect. Nathan is the seasoned Detective and on-again off-again Chief, Dwight goes from crime scene cleaner to Chief (still not sure how that could happen), and Duke is, as he calls himself, a consulting Detective – as well as an official Detective in the alternate universe of “The Trouble with the Troubles.”
Helping the Troubled
They all help the Troubled. Nathan does it officially, Dwight starts off unofficially and Duke does it reluctantly – but they all have big hearts and a strong inclination to help others.
Walking the Line
They all tread the line between “good” and “bad.” Though we are always on their side it can be hard to tell what side they’re on – for or against the Guard, on the right side or the wrong side of the law… it’s one of the things that makes Haven so interesting.
Those are my thoughts. Do you agree? Are there any other characteristics you would have mentioned? Let me know! You can find me on Twitter @Tanavip !
Video: Eric Balfour, Lucas Bryant and Adam Copeland Chair Dancing
If that’s not enough, in real life these guys like to silly dance for the fans (and you can’t help but love them for it) The dancing is in the first 45 seconds, but if you haven’t seen this video it really is worth watching. The guys discuss Lucas bulking up, Adam’s soft lips, Eric’s gentle fighting ability, and practical jokes on set.
5 For 5 – Haven Lists By Tanavi
This was the first in what I hope will be a long series of weekly articles inspired by Haven’s fifth season renewal and your input is always welcome!
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